Get Involved
But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
1 Corinthians 12:18
We believe God has given each one of us a specific gift and talent that he desires us to use in ministering to his children and the lost.
God has called us to co-labor with him, and we invite you to partner with us in serving both in
His house and in the Community!
We know there is Life Change on the other side of your serve, and invite all who are interested in more information about Abundant Life Church International to participate in our New Partners Class where we expand on the vision of the Church and help you begin to discover more about the specific Gifts God has given you.
Once you have completed all 3 classes and have an idea of the area you feel led to serve, we will get you connected with one of our leaders and schedule your team training!

Once per month we offer all who are interested to serve with us at our Harvest Kitchen, where we prepare boxes of food for community members in need and engage with them as they come by the church to receive the items.
There are many opportunities available for all to serve and we encourage you to explore bringing a friend or family member along with you to participate in the event and receive the blessing God has for you on the other side!